Saturday, March 20, 2010

It's like beating my head against a wall.......

I'm a bit upset. I've always throughout my life used writing as a release for me, hence part of the reason I started this blog. I'm not one to express my feelings verbally really. I listen to how other people are feeling, and try to help as much a possible, but when it comes to me, I tend to stay quiet. There is and always has been one exception to that rule, and obviously that would be DH. Today started out to be a pretty good day, but went a bit sour. DH called, and I was so excited to talk to him, especially with some of the things that will be coming up soon, that won't allow him to call. OPSEC in mind, that is about all I can elaborate on that at this time. Any who, DD has had a horrible time adjusting to DH being gone. He by all means is her hero, like every father should be. She loves him more than anything, and she is DH's princess.DD keeps us both going on a day to day basis, when everything around us just seems to suck. She is our baby. The hardest thing right now, is because of all of this and the deployment, recently DD has decided to go back in her ways of not talking to DH on the phone. This is something that is horribly hard for DH, and it effects me as well. How do you force a four year old to talk?? I can't. I talk to her, she tells me how she is feeling but sticks to her plan of not talking, and it's killing me. I want so badly to just give DH that peace of mind, that little extra thing to help keep him going,but I can't. This is not our first deployment, but it is the first one that DD can really remember. It's not like she doesn't love him or is shy around him at all. In fact when he was home for R and R, she was constantly his shadow, just like always. She loves him,and misses him, and is hurt because she feels that he abandoned her. Now, she knows he didn't,and i reiterate that all the time, but to a four year old??? How in her head does she know for sure he's coming back, when even I can't promise her that? I tell her he is and that he will be home soon,hoping it's not a lie, but she has no sense of time. Soon to her means tomorrow, not another 5 months from now. I know DH understands this as well, but I can't imagine the hurt it causes him that she won't talk to him, knowing he had no choice but to leave us. It's hard for all of us, especially for a child who doesn't even fully understand "why". She will write him an email, and I waiver back and forth as to whether or not I will send it to him, some of the the things she says when she talks about her feelings, make me want to cry, I can't imagine what it does to DH. I figure that it is better for him to know how she is feeling than to have nothing at all, so I send them. Hopefully soon she will talk to him again. I feel like banging my head against a wall, because there is nothing I can do to change any of it. I can't make either one of them feel better at this point. My family is hurting, and I can't fix it. Only time can. It makes me feel like some what of a failure, seeing as I am suppose to be the glue that holds this whole thing together. What happens when I start running out of glue??? Well, like the woman that I am, I guess it is time to try and pull out the duct tape. Duct tape fixes everything.... Right?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what to say other than I know what you're going through. Cody went through the same thing after Jon left and still does from time to time. Jon's going to be home soon for R&R, but like you said, soon to them means tomorrow. So the last week or so has been tough. I hope she starts talking to him again soon. Hang in there!
