Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Traveling will be the death of me

I LOVE TO TRAVEL. I love everything about going somewhere new and exciting. I am part gypsy, so it does explain my adaptability to the Army life. The only thing I hate about traveling, is trying to figure out HOW to do it. HOW to get off of this stinkin rock and not sell a kidney in the process. Seeing as in the Army, you don't make a lot of money, prior to contrary beliefs of some people,and I not only have a DH to take care of, but a four year old, and I might as well have two extra children when it comes to my dogs, I have to coordinate everything precisely like I am planning an undercover sting operation. I have to not only try to plan my yearly trip back to the mainland with everyone Else's schedule in mind, but also in accordance with plane ticket prices, dog kennel availability, and of course juggle everything else in my life and make sure it is properly taken care of before leaving. I have contemplated Space-A travel, it just seems like a lot of work, with no guarantees. Not to mention, I want to try and see as much family as possible, which means trying to figure out how to jump around from place to place.It is definitely possible, I just wish I had my own personal assistant sometimes, to help remind me of everything I need to do in the day. "Miss, you need to call this number by ten AM, I have already fed the dogs, and pushed your appointments for this afternoon back, in order for you to have your lunch date. I called the exterminator, and left a message. So-and-So will be here by 2 pm in order to go through everything that needs to be done...here's your cup of coffee........." and so on and so forth.Ahhh to dream! ;P I am at least good at multi tasking myself. It's not impossible for me to do any of this, I've done it a thousand times before, I just dread the headache that I know is coming with it. The greatest feeling though will be when I get on that plane and everything falls into place, and I have accomplished my goal of having everything squared away. You know quite honestly my biggest fear in planning my trip is??? Is whether or not there is a 24-hour fitness in Emmett by my parents house,or if I will have to drive into Boise to go to the gym.Seriously, I am becoming a bit of a gym rat...LOL..I was sitting there working out today thinking to myself that they better have a gym close enough by if I do get a chance to go vacation for a bit, otherwise I might go crazy, not to mention my mom told me she was making pie today, which she offset the lard she used in it, by telling me she used half splenda and half sugar! LOL..Gotta love my mom!I haven't had a chance to tell DH about my plans to go back and visit our families yet. He has been busy and is getting ready to be even busier here soon, so hopefully he will get a chance to call before that happens. This has been a long year. A ton has happened, and I really could use the refresher before getting ready for DH to come home. Between DH deploying, and right after the ceiling in the kitchen caving in, being caught in the middle of a friends nasty divorce, helping plan my best friends wedding, being the maid of honor, and then right after the wedding having a major blood clot, that left me in the hospital, sick and unable to speak without a stutter for two months (which is almost gone now!YAY!)being diagnosed with factor V Leiden blood disorder, having DH home for R and R, and then dealing with him leaving all over again...on TOP of normal everyday life and raising a beautiful 4 year old, I think it would be good for a small break before preparing for redeployment. Wow! I just realized how much really HAS happened so far this year! We still have 5 more months to go! LOL Even with everything that has happened during this deployment so far, all I see is so many positive things!! My life is awesome! I have a wonderful husband a beautiful daughter, and great friends. I miss my husband with everything, but I couldn't imagine any other life,because this is the life I have made with him. This is our life, and except for a few snags here or there, I absolutely love it! What is life without a few snags though?? Gotta keep you on your toes somehow. I wake up every morning torn between a desire to improve the world, and a desire to enjoy the world.... it definitely makes it hard to plan my day! :P Man, do I have a great family or what?? Sorry, I must have woken up and drank a cup of optimism, and ate a rainbow for breakfast!! I can't help it though. My husband and daughter are my entire world, and as long as they are in it, well, I could not ask for more. I can't wait for DH to get home, the missing puzzle piece in my life right now will be back, and everything will be complete again. Counting down the days until I get to hold the love of my life in my arms again.YEEHAW MORE THAN HALF WAY DONE! :) Until then, Look out Boise and Phoenix, hopefully here I come!

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