Monday, March 29, 2010

A foundation of love

Today dd wrote DH a letter. It was quite a moving little letter if I do say so myself. Although there are definitely a few parts that make me giggle, all in all it was very heart felt. I can't believe how bid DD is getting. Sometimes she seems like such a smart little cookie, that I have to remind myself she is still little and still has feelings that a small child is suppose to have about the deployment. It's easy for me some days to forget that she doesn't actually fully understand.Other times I am reminding myself that she does understand a lot more than I give her credit for. I'm reminded that the last deployment in some ways seemed easier. I don't know if it is because dd was way too little to grasp the sense of time at all, and so it didn't effect her near as much on a day to day basis, or because with the opportunity to have communication with DH is MUCH MUCH easier this time around, and so hearing his voice on a day to day or every two day basis just keeps reminding me how very much I miss him. Even harder still when he all of a sudden has to go out somewhere to do his job, and we lose communication for a few weeks, after being used to talking to him on a daily basis. In those ways, I think this deployment has taken more adjustment. DD has nights where all she does is cry for him. She doesn't want me in the slightest, the only one that will do is him. It breaks my heart to hear her struggle like that, but I just hold her and remind her, that DH didn't want to leave, but he had to because that's part of his job, that's what makes him a super hero.I tell her we have to be strong for DH, and that we are an Army family, and that's what we do. We stick together, and we be strong as possible. It's OK to be sad and to cry because she misses him, but that we always have him in our hearts, even if he is far away. She understands that, so she usually comes down after our talks, which have been as frequent as weekly some months. R and R hit her hard, she keeps asking if she can have her birthday again tomorrow so DH can come home. LOL. Every day I wake up, I am reminded at how truly blessed I am to have my life. How much I love my family and even though there are sacrifices that we have had to make, we make them together. We stick together. I have an amazing family. DH is a mountain of a man, and we are so extremely proud of him for everything he has done for our family. Without him, I'd be lost. He is my rock, and the greatest man I have ever known. How truly lucky I am to be loved by such a man. What a great Army life I have been given, well, who wouldn't be happy with a God for a husband, and a Princess for a daughter? This without a doubt, is my fairytale.

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