Thursday, April 1, 2010

I've got your six

On a treadmill.... Life makes sense. OK, that really doesn't make much sense at all, but to me it does. It is a testament to everything I have accomplished, when for awhile, I had my moments of doubt that i would ever be able to accomplish anything like that again. In November, I had a major medical issue that tore my world apart. I have for the longest time been a rather healthy person. I try to eat right, I was exercising, and I was adjusting to life after D-Day. I had just celebrated Thanksgiving with a good amount of close friends, and I was doing pretty good. Then one day... POOF.... All of that came crashing down on me. I don't even really remember much of it at all. All I know is that it left me completely lost. I went through my human emotions, of fear, vulnerability, physical and mental agony. My entire left side was left only partially functional for quite some time, and as I referenced in an earlier blog post, my speech, well, I had a stutter, that only the people close enough to me could even understand what I was saying. DH was gone, and there was nothing he could do to help me. I know there were times that he has to have felt useless, and scared, even though, we both know it wasn't his fault that he wasn't here when it happened. I am a firm believer in everything happens for a reason, so obviously there was a reason it happened when it did. For the longest time though, for months, I feared I would never get better. Hearing me speak, for DH was heart breaking. Hearing myself speak, trying to function normally, and then realizing I couldn't do it, was at the very least the equivalent of having a giant blinking arrow like the ones you see in movies constantly flash above my head, just screaming "broken". I felt broken. Inside and out. Going through that, for me, was probably one of the hardest things of my life. I have always been self reliant, self determined, and independent 100% when DH was gone. I could take care of it. Whatever came up, I could fix it. There's a saying in the aviation world "I've got your six." It basically means , I have your back . DH has always known, that I've had his six.I felt like I had let him down. Even though I knew there was nothing I could have done to prevent it. It was like everything I had ever known was stripped away from me. There were times that I felt like giving up. I had to remind myself every day, of WHO I am.I am a wife of a man who loves me more than anything.I am a mother who would give her own lie for her child. I was a fighter. Always had been,my mother would attest to that, and I knew it was in me some where to "fix" myself. For years my mom and I had had some what of a strained relationship, because of the circumstances surrounding my childhood. As soon as I woke up in the hospital, who do you think was by my side. In that moment, I never needed my mom more, and there she was, taking care of me best she knew how, having to treat me like I was a newborn all over again, and never for a minute did she make me feel inadequate in any way. My mom is an amazing woman.I am thankful in every way for what she did for me, and the fact that she was there by my side. I am truly blessed to have her for a mom, and I love her for every sacrifice she has ever made for me. and I understand now, being a mother myself, why she made the choices she did when I was growing up.( I hope your reading this mom :P)I had wonderful friends who, dropped everything to come and help me, and for that I will be eternally grateful for.They were there for me, when I couldn't even be there for myself. I will never forget the one thing I held onto the most when I was going through all of the physical and emotional pain that came with all of this. It was something DH said to me, and to this day I will never forget it. It may not mean anything to anyone else, but what he said to me, just reiterated to me the fact that no matter what life throws our way, we will always conquer it together, and that he will always have MY six. One night on the phone, when I was having a really rough time digesting all of the things that were happening, and I was scared, and feeling guilty that there was a possibility that I could be like that forever, and that DH and DD were going to have to live with this for their entire lives as well, DH had said something about how I needed to get better. Not for him, not for anyone else, but for me. The words that I responded with through tears, was that i couldn't stand for him to have to live with a broken wife for the rest of his life. What he said to me after that, will forever be the words that have never made me feel more loved in my life. He told me, that he loved me more than anything, and that I wasn't broken. I was just dented, and together dents were always fixable. I know it may not sound like much to anyone else, but to me, it meant everything. I don't think he will ever know just how much those words meant to me. Through deployments,through heartaches,through bumps along our road in life, through nights of fear and loneliness while he is away at war, those words will forever echo in my ears, and in my heart. I knew then, that I had to get better, and that I could, and would fight tooth and nail, in order to do so. DH is more than just my husband and the father of our child, he is my lover, and what's even more, he is my best friend. I love him more than words could ever express.So baby, through it all, remember, that no matter what we may go through in our life together, I will always have your six, god sure knows, you have always had mine.

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