Sunday, April 4, 2010

Today at the gym, I had a semi emotional break down. It wasn't because of anything that happened, it was more along the lines of compassion. Compassion that I some times fear the world has forgotten about. A clear reminder that others believe the same thing as I do. I have a large tendency to see the good in people. I see the bad also, but in my mind, the good always triumphs in the world of bad. It's back to the fact that I am and always have been a glass half full kind of person, an optimist, a crazy, happy,almost- over -the -edge, optimist. A friend of mine just a few days ago, lost her brother in law in Iraq. Her family lives here, and I took care of her son when he was an infant. It really shook me to the core. It was so close to home. Well, I guess I have been having a lot of that "close-to-home" lately. As I wrote about previously , I am a constant avid worrier, and things like this have a tendency to heighten those senses. I feel an immense amount of grief for the family, seeing as I have *almost*(as in not a family member) been in their shoes. I have been thinking about this often lately. The possibility of death. It's one of those things that you like to push out of your mind, but as any seasoned military spouse knows, it is not entirely possible to do at any given moment. Even as optimistic as I am, it is still a fear that eats at me every day. Today at the gym, the news was telling a very short blurb of a story on a man named Michael Reagan. He left a lucrative career to start something that is called the Fallen Heroes Project. As I was watching this short story, I found my heart fill up with sadness, and gratitude. It is because of people like him, that I feel there is hope for this world. That genuine, good people, still exist.Michael draws wonderful, completely life-like free portraits of Fallen Soldiers from the wars(Iraq and Afghanistan is what the project is for, but also other wars). On his website it says some thing along the lines of "what if all you had left of a loved one were photos and memories?" That statement is one I don't often like to think about, much less talk about, but blogging isn't talking per say, so it is much easier for me to write my emotions down, as opposed to speaking them. As I was sweating my brains out feeling the blood pump through my veins, I thought about this. What if that was all I had?? I don't like to live my life surrounding "what ifs", but I was humoring myself for the moment. How would I handle life, knowing that the greatest thing that ever happened to me, had been reduced to memories and paper? I know it is a bit morbid to think about, but in all honesty things like that DO cross my mind. I know I am a self reliant, independent, strong woman, but how would I fair if my everything came crashing down and the love of my life, was taken from me? It's not a far reached outcome. It in all certainty is plausible that, it could happen. I know it's probably not healthy, and I know it's not even possible to analytically gauge my potential reaction to something like that, but in that moment,watching the families open that life-like portrait, seeing the reaction of the children that were left behind, was completely heart-breaking.You could see in their faces the gratitude they had for this man, who had given them this one last piece of their "world" back to them, and how much aching the entire families were going through seeing something that looked real enough to touch again, feel again, and they were desperately grabbing for that. There are times that I swear I can feel DH, and then I am reminded of the all too real reality, that it is not possible, not at this moment anyway. To go through life knowing that it will never be a possibility again, well I don't know how I would handle that.I like to think DH has taught me to be strong, for him, for our family, that I would be able to eventually put the pieces back together again.That because of what DH has always meant to me, that I would do it for him. I promised him that one time.I promised him I wouldn't completely fall apart.That I would try my best to be the woman he knows now. I like to think I would stay true to my promises. I hold hope every day, that he will come home to me. After all, this is OUR fairy tale, only together, whether physically, or in memory, can we make our story come true.

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